Bloedel Donovan boat launch to temporarily close for construction

Bloedel Donovan boat launch to temporarily close for construction

Parking will be limited Feb. 15 – Feb. 28

The Bloedel Donovan boat launch at Lake Whatcom will be unavailable from Feb. 15 through Feb. 28 for construction. The City of Bellingham Parks and Recreation Department will be replacing the floating docks and piling. The existing facility is antiquated, damaged and beyond its intended design life. The new docks and piling will provide a level walking surface and greatly improve everyone’s boat launching experience for years to come. This project is partially funded by a Boating Facility Grant through the State of Washington Recreation and Conservation Office.

Pile driving is expected to occur the week of Feb. 15 through Feb. 28. There will be limited access to the lower boat trailer parking lot and launch area during this time.

Construction activity at the boat launch is expected to occur again during the first two weeks of May 2018 while the old floats are moved out and the new ones are brought in. There will be periods of time during the construction window when the boat ramp area is unavailable for launching boats.

For more information about this project and others, please visit the City’s website at or call 360-778-7000.

(Originally posted on the City of Bellingham website on February 6, 2018)

Media Contact:

Gina Gobo Austin, PE
Bellingham Parks and Recreation
(360) 778-7000
