Aquatic Invasive Species Awareness Course
AIS Awareness Course
Question 1 of 7
Inspectors will ask you where and when your watercraft was last used.
Question 2 of 7
You decide to take your boat from Lake Samish to Lake Terrell. How can you help prevent the spread of Asian clams between these two lakes?
By washing the exterior of your watercraft before launching at Lake Terrell
By cleaning, draining, and drying your watercraft and equipment before launching at Lake Terrell
By collecting clams in a bucket and transporting them to Lake Terrell
By dumping the contents of your bait bucket in Lake Terrell
Question 3 of 7
Fragrant waterlilly has been found to be growing in Lake Samish.
Question 4 of 7
The goal of the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program is to protect Whatcom County's natural resources, infrastructure, recreation, wildlife, and economy from the impacts of aquatic invasive species by:
Preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species, such as zebra and quagga mussels, and stopping the spread of established aquatic invasive species to new waters
Assisting the spread of established aquatic invasive species, such as Asian clams, to new waters
Allowing current infestations to grow and expand throughout a waterbody so they cannot be contained
Question 5 of 7
Inspectors rely on both your answers to survey questions as well as a visual and physical inspection of the watercraft to make their risk determination.
Question 6 of 7
If you boat on a lake infested with Eurasian watermilfoil or other aquatic weeds, what is the best way to prevent the plants from spreading somewhere else?
Remove every plant fragment you find when exiting the lake, and wash and thoroughly dry the boat as soon as possible.
Let the plants hang on the boat and trailer to dry in the air. The plants will dry up and fall off quickly.
Remove the large plant pieces and leave the rest to dry out and remove later.
Question 7 of 7
Zebra and quagga mussels attach themselves to hard surfaces tightly like superglue and are very difficult to remove without high pressure, hot water.
Time's up