Bloedel and Samish Check Stations Close for the Season

Bloedel and Samish Check Stations Close for the Season


The final day for inspections and wire seals at Bloedel Donovan and Lake Samish is Thursday, September 28th. The final day for inspections and wire seals at Sudden Valley is Sunday, September 24th. Boat owners are encouraged to have their boats wire sealed, if they do not plan on using it throughout the winter months, to ensure a speedy and efficient start to the 2024 boating season. Please note that launch closure times will vary on available daylight.

If you happen to miss us at the boat launch, don’t worry! Our year round staff are available (starting October 2nd) Monday – Friday 8:30 AM  – 4:30 PM to meet you at the launch when you retrieve your vessel. Just be sure to call with advance notice.

To find out the most current hours of operation, to schedule an appointment, or to have your vessel wire sealed, please call the AIS Boat Inspection Hotline at: (360) 778-7975.

Our permits for the upcoming 2024 season will arrive sometime in January and our team will be standing by to get boaters updated permits soon after the new year.

Thank you all again and see you in 2024!